AnswerBot 3000


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The best solutions usually bubble up from diverse crowds.

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Highlights & publications

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Fighting Racism

Stop Rasismi (stop racism) project explores reasons and remedies for everyday racism in Finland (in Finnish only).

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Alleviating low back pain

Kipuriihi (pain workshop) project helps discover both doctor-endorsed as well as patients' own treatments to low back pain.

Academic publications:

Kuosmanen E, Huusko E, Van Berkel N, Nunes F, Vega J, Goncalves J, Khamis M, Esteves A, Ferreira D & Hosio S (2023)
Exploring Crowdsourced Self-Care Techniques: A Study on Parkinson’s Disease
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS)

Moilanen J, Van Berkel N, Visuri A, Gadiraju U, Van der Maden W & Hosio S (2023)
Supporting Mental Health Self-Care Discovery Through a Chatbot
Frontiers in Digital Health – Digital Mental Health

Oppenlaender J, Kuosmanen E, Lucero A & Hosio S (2021)
Hardhats and Bungaloos: Comparing Crowdsourced Design Feedback with Peer Design Feedback in the Classroom
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'21)

Hosio S, van Berkel N, Oppenlaender J & Goncalves J (2020)
Crowdsourcing Personalized Weight Loss Diets
IEEE Computer

Raulamo-Jurvanen P, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2019)
Applying Surveys and Interviews in Software Test Tool Evaluation
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement (Profes'19)

Oppenlaender J, Kuosmanen E, Goncalves J & Hosio S (2019)
Search Support for Exploratory Writing
In Proceedings of the 17th IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'19)

Raulamo-Jurvanen P, Hosio S & Mäntylä M (2019)
Practitioner Evaluations on Software Testing Tools
In Proceedings of Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE’19)

Hosio S, Karppinen J, Takala EP, Takatalo J, Goncalves J, van Berkel N, Konomi S & Kostakos V (2018)
Crowdsourcing Treatments for Low Back Pain
ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'18)

Hosio S, Karppinen J, van Berkel N, Oppenlaender J & Goncalves J (2018)
Mobile Decision Support and Data Provisioning for Low Back Pain
IEEE Computer

van Berkel N, Hosio S, Goncalves J & Kostakos V (2018)
Informed Diet Selection: Increasing Food Literacy through Crowdsourcing
In the International Workshop on Designing Recipes for Digital Food Futures, ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'18)

Goncalves J, Hosio S, Kostakos V (2017)
Eliciting Structured Knowledge from Situated Crowd Markets
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology

Hosio S, Goncalves J, Anagnostopoulos T & Kostakos V (2016)
Leveraging Wisdom of the Crowd for Decision Support
British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI'16)

Hosio S, Goncalves J, van Berkel N & Klakegg S (2016)
Crowdsourcing Situated & Subjective Knowledge for Decision Support
In The International Workshop on Mobile and Situated Crowdsourcing (UbiComp'16)

Selected popular media: (01/2019) Crowdsourcing Lower Back Pain Offers 'Tricks'

Pursuit (University of Melbourne, 01/2019) Crowdsourcing the Problem of Low Back Pain

MTV – (04/2018): Juiliiko selkä? Joukkoäly siivilöi toimivia kansankeinoja alaselkäkivun hoitoon (Having back pain? Wisdom of the crowds used to find ways to treat low back pain)

University of Oulu Research Highlight – (04/2018): Wisdom of the crowds harnessed for pain prevention

Kaleva – (01/2016), print edition: Oulun yliopisto kitkee rasismia joukkoälyllä (University of Oulu fights racism using wisdom of the crowd)

Forum (01/2016), print edition: Crowdsourcing mot nättroll (Against Internet trolls using Crowdsourcing)

Kaleva (03/2016), print edition – Joukkoälyllä kivun kimppuun (Tackling pain using wisdom of the crowd)

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Simo Hosio / / Tel. +358 50 343 7515
Center for Ubiquitous Computing
University of Oulu, Finland

We're open for both academic and commercial collaboration.